Memory and examinations

In this section you will find 3 basic recommendations which application will allow to use resources of the memory most effectively: it is a question of drawing up of the program, necessity to adhere to certain system at material studying, and also about alternation of the periods of work with the pauses intended for rest.

A forest fire Method

The Majority of teachers, beginning a course of employment, recommend to students to be engaged constantly with certain quantity of breaks to avoid a panic and a dejectedness on the eve of examination. However very much few number of pupils follow this advice. It is probable, as they have not started to be engaged beforehand, at them the habit to use so-called «was developed; a method wood fire» At which fire is extinguished each time as soon as it lights up, there is no corresponding planning of studying of a material. Nevertheless the researches made in the different countries and at various levels of training testify, that at good pupils the working periods constantly alternate with pauses for rest, ie they do not have necessity to learn all material during the latest moment.


That planning was good, it is useful to carry out it at 3 levels: all course, every week and each day.

At planning of all course examination date is established. Then the time interval shares for time necessary for employment, time for rest, and 10 percent of remained time are taken away on possible unforeseen situations.

Every week it is possible to plan the schedule for studying of various subjects. And at last every day time for employment usually should make 3 hours, after 55 minutes of working hours rest within 5 minutes, after 2nd period of work lasting of 50 minutes is necessary, rest will make 10 minutes, after 3rd working period 45 minutes rest will make 15 minutes. The rest periods will facilitate fastening of the studied material and will reduce feeling of weariness. It is not recommended, that the break for rest between the working periods exceeded 30 minutes as otherwise there will be an attention dispersion. It is useful to develop a habit to be engaged every day at a time, never to confuse time of employment to time for a dream, never to be engaged at once after food intake or the exercises demanding strong physical activity.


Other recommendation for maximum use of resources of memory by preparation for examinations consists in use of system which would facilitate training. It is offered to alternate application active the technician of understanding and mnemonic strategy. The most known and most widely applied is RVZCH ( «consideration, questions 3 Reading», with. 71).


Is a question of the basic technics intending for counteraction forgetting in the course of preparation for examinations. The key rule consists in the following: it is necessary to carry out material viewing in some stages as repeated viewing of a material within day promotes occurrence of hindrances that interferes with consolidation of the got information. Hence, it is recommended to carry out viewings at the very beginning of training, then some the subsequent viewings will allow to fix the remained traces, and at last final viewings data on the eve of examination will help to freshen with memory.

It is not recommended to look through a material directly ahead of examination as during these moments the person can be in very raised condition. You not only do not learn anything, but even can harm to already received knowledge. Sometimes during the moments before examination the person finds out, that does not know anything as though it had a memory blackout. Do not worry, it only the blocking caused by a condition of alarm which is not capable to erase data from memory. Try to relax and then be convinced, that with your memory everything is all right. Also do not forget to adhere to usual council of teachers: last day before examination should be completely devoted viewing of materials, last evening - to rest, and it is necessary to sleep well at night.

We Apply the table in which 4 basic phases for optimum viewing of materials are presented.