Memory: Archives and the archivist

Figuratively memory is similar to library or archive in which all information is stored. However, that representation was adequate, it is necessary to consider not only material aspects of library, but also principles of its functioning. We will begin with a simple example.

The User wishes to receive certain consultation because it is difficult to it to find the demanded book or the document, or he does not know where for them to search. The registrar gives it recommendations concerning in what place it is possible to find out a material existing in library as it has left it there on storage.

Hence if to compare memory to the big library, long-term memory will take a place of racks and cases where various publications are stored. The role of the registrar is carried out by active mechanisms of memory. The short-term memory also named operative, which will be a desktop receives a new material, classifies it and then keeps on racks of long-term memory. The registrar never places on racks the information, not last processing on a desktop. Nevertheless working memory possesses the limited possibilities, as each time needs to be ordered and released it from unnecessary components to release a place for the new information. Each time, after a desktop putting in order, the part of materials will be thrown out in a basket, and the others - are systematised and placed on racks. In it the basic function of the registrar consists: to select and codify the helpful information so that it it was possible to find easily after a premise in storehouse. The secret of functioning of memory consists in work of the registrar: to know, what information to keep, and where then it to arrange.

Memory in operation

We Will assume, that there has arrived a new series of books which it is necessary to send on storage. First, the registrar takes a material necessary for it from racks: cataloguing rules, stock of the books which are available available, and labels; then will put all it on a table and will leave a place for work with new documents. Gradually it will paste all labels on books and documents and will start to place them on racks, according to already spent classification. After all labels will be pasted, the registrar can find any book quickly enough. On the other hand, if a material very important or difficult, the registrar creates various identification indexes that it was possible to find the necessary book faster. However, if materials on a table are in the disorder or them too a considerable quantity, some ekzemplyarymogut to fall from a table and to be lost. If on a table there are too many materials simultaneously, can happen, that the registrar will not have time enough to paste a label on all materials, and it can put books on racks, not having subjected their classification, that will complicate further search. And in summary he will throw out some books on which has not pasted labels as has counted their uninteresting.

It is good to store, that it was convenient to reproduce

Like library, it is not enough for memory only drawing up of the catalogue of data, the user should possess access to them. It is very important to have at the order of the registrar, able to paste labels and quickly to find the information in the enormous warehouse filled with data which cannot be seen. Not the size of racks, not quantity of the documents which are available in library, and ability of the registrar to classify and store data do effective library use. Hence, the more effectively the registrar carries out these problems, the it will be easier to find to it books when they will be necessary. The same it is possible to tell and about memory: the secret of good storing consists in preliminary good codification and information warehousing.